Mental Health Journal – Beauty In The Chaos

Beauty In The Chaos

There Is Beauty In The Chaos!

I am sure many of you think I have lost my mind! I assure you, I have not. Or have I?

Many of us spend far too much of our lifetimes attempting to avoid chaos and have everything nice, neat, and in perfect working order. Then, one day one wakes up and realizes this is an endeavor in futility.

What is the solution?

Embrace The Chaos!

I do not mean that we live a life purposefully chaotic where there is no order or routine, etc. What I mean is the chaos that comes our way in life sometimes through no fault of our own should be embraced and there are a few reasons why.

  1. We learn far more from trials and difficult times than when things are coming up roses.
    • When I look back on my life and see God’s grace working in me during trials and chaotic times I am drawn closer to Him and learn more about Him and bring Him more glory.
    • Trials produce endurance and proven character. (Romans 5:1-5)
    • Our mental health is increased in difficulty because we are forced to navigate troubled waters. Much like building physical strength in our muscles, our mental health can grow in strength also.
  2. Some of my fondest memories occurred during a time of difficulty.
    • This may not seem likely but it is true. While difficult times are difficult that does not mean they do not yield beauty.
    • While we look back on good times and rejoice in how great they were many want to talk about the difficult times and the joy of seeing God being with them through it.
  3. God gets more glory out of us persevering in chaos.
    • Can God get glory from His creatures during good times? Sure! Does He get more glory from His creatures during difficult times? Yes! Why? Because God’s power is perfected in our weakness! (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

This list is certainly not exhaustive but it makes the point. We need to be mentally strong in season and out of season, during good times and difficult times. God’s glory is our chief end and we bring Him glory by being obedient even during the chaotic times. Further, one can find true joy in Christ being aware of His presence during all phases of our lives.

Embrace The Chaos!

Embrace Perseverance!

Embrace Jesus Christ and His power!