Mental Health Journal – Progress Not Perfection

Progress Not Perfection

Mental Health Matters!

One of the things that can be difficult to learn as we grow in our mental health is to let go of the idea of perfection and embrace the goal of continual progress and improvement. Much of what we encounter in life is geared towards chasing the finish line of perfection when that line does not exist.

This does not mean that one should not strive to be the best they can be in a particular area. Nor does it mean that it is ok to simply settle for mediocrity just because “perfection can’t be achieved.” The issue is that the goal of perfection and the constant striving for it puts a layer of pressure on a person that need not be. In fact, the quality of the work or attempt ends up being less than what it could have been because the person performs less when under that mountain of pressure.

The goal should be to become the best version of ourselves in our physical and mental health. Our goal should be an intentional effort to continual improvement. Of course, we start small, do something, and then build and grow. As we develop, we can identify areas that need improvement and we can also identify areas of strength that we can build on.

Wanting to do something well and working towards perfection are two different things. One can be achieved and the other can’t. Nobody can live under the pressure of being perfect because no human being walking the planet today is perfect. Only one person was perfect and that was Jesus Christ.

Progress Not Perfection

If one is making continual progress and improvement one will naturally reach goals, demonstrate growth, and achieve life satisfaction. What is sad is when you see somebody not only attempting to achieve perfection but also attempting to achieve someone else’s idea of what perfection is for them. This burden was never meant to be carried but we do it far more often than we should.

Another problem with perfection hunting is that the rest and joy needed to be the best version of yourself will never be achieved. When one is seeking perfection, nothing is ever good enough! Therefore, you will be forced to think you are not good enough! Don’t do that to yourself.

Be confident!

Be bold!

Be brave!

Keep making progress!

One day you will look back at all the progress and be proud! And you will thank yourself for not falling victim to perfectionism.